Mobile Filmstrip


Scrollable, multipanel, horizontal or vertical ad unit, much like “The Filmstrip” Display Standard Ad Unit

Why Selected:

Richly engaging experience with tons of content possibilities delivered in page with users fully in control

Mobile Pull


A bottom or top banner that expands to full screen, not unlike “The Pushdown” Display Standard Ad Unit

Why Selected:

Allows for an immersive, in-page ad experience, with users in control

Mobile Adhesion Banner


Standard banner that “adheres” to its start position when device is rotated or when content is manipulated (e.g., with a tap to magnify)

Why selected:

Elegant solution to fundamental challenge

Mobile Full Page Flex


Full screen experience that accommodates both portrait and landscape orientation

Why selected:

An ideal creative canvas—the whole screen—with interactive functionality

Mobile Slider


Overlay unit on the bottom of a page mirrors touch screen habit, prompting users to slide the entire page over, unveiling a full brand experience, much like “The Slider” Display Standard Ad Unit

Why selected:

Optimal creative space keeping viewer fully in control of ad experience